Sanibonani (greetings) from South Africa!
We've been doing well here our past 7 weeks in South Africa. There are 52 volunte

Then in our second week of training we moved from the college campus to live with current our home-stay families. Woody and I are staying with a family of four. We live with a young widow and her three sons ages 13, 11 and 6. We also have a family cat named Smokey. In our home-stay, we have electricity but no running water. Therefore we have to wash our clothes by hand, take bucket baths in a large basin in our bedroom, and are using an outdoor latrine. Our home-stay family doesn't speak xiTsonga, so we don't have anyone to practice speaking with in the area other than our LCF. In addition to language training, we have cultural and social training. We learned a lot about the former Bantu Education System and internalized oppression affecting the black South African people during the apartheid era. Although, the apartheid era is over, there is still a lot of residual effects in the school system. So, our job here will be to help them develop a better educational system in the schools. One of the largest challenges that we will face in schools is the habitual, and illegal, use of corporal punishment. We were able to visit one of the local primary schools before the nationwide Teacher's strike began here 3 weeks ago. And during our brief visit to the school we've already witnessed the use of corporal punishment.
Visiting the local primary schools was exciting. The kids are very energetic and eager to learn. It's uncommon for white people to visit the villages much less actually live in the villages. So, the kids go crazy every time they see us. The have given us African names. My name is Lerato (which means “love”) and Woody's name is Kamagelo (which means “welcome”). Each time we visit the school, the kids treat us like rock-stars. They all want to shake our hands and they often scream our African names when they see us walking past the sch

Finally, we recently received our official site announcements from Peace Corps. Woody and I will be living in a rural xiTsonga speaking village a couple of hours north of Nelspruit bordering Kruger National Park. We are exited to see our new home and are hoping that we will see a lot of animals there. We will also be replacing another couple who are currently serving in the community and who are about to finish their tour. We will be working in two primary schools and one high school. We are very exited about our site. However, due to the current nationwide strike spearheaded by the public sector service unions, our site visits have been delayed. The strike has been spreading throughout the country and is now affecting more then just the schools. It now involves most of the public-service sector. Since the strike began 3 weeks ago, schools have not been in service and we as volunteers also have not been able to continue to visit the schools for observation. Due to the strike, Peace Corps has decided that they do not want us dispersing to our individual sites until the strike ends. So, for now, we are waiting it out. Next Tuesday, we will be taking our language proficiency test and then hopefully in the following week, we will be swearing in as official Peace Corps Volunteers!
We're looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you guys! You're going to love it here! (Sorry, the wild animals are all inside the fence though... usually. We'll tell you when you get here about what happens when they break out!)
Great pictures! It looks like you all are having fun :)
I love that picture of you guys, it's great! Happy Lerato and Kamagelo. Sounds like you mulungus are having a good time, but I can't believe you're learning 6 languages. Yikes! Good luck with the language test.
We've been hearing about the strike here on the news (which is pretty amazing since we usually don't get much news about Africa here in US). Sounds pretty major! Hopefully it doesn't delay your move to your village too much. Maybe you can join the picket line and hurry things along.
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